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The ability to work at older ages depends on health and education. Both accumulate starting very early in life. We assess how childhood disadvantages combine with education to affect working and health trajectories. Applying multistate period life tables to data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) for the period 2008–2014, we estimate how the residual life expectancy at age 50 is distributed in number of years of work and disability, by number of childhood disadvantages, gender, and race/ethnicity. Our findings indicate that number of childhood disadvantages is negatively associated with work and positively with disability, irrespective of gender and race/ethnicity. Childhood disadvantages intersect with low education resulting in shorter lives, and redistributing life years from work to disability. Among the highly educated, health and work differences between groups of childhood disadvantage are small. Combining multistate models and inverse probability weighting, we show that the return of high education is greater among the most disadvantaged.  相似文献   
通过对弹性力学课程教学过程的探讨,给出了适合我校的弹性力学课程教学过程,构建了弹性力学课程的新的教学方法和教学手段,效果良好,全面提高了弹性力学的教育水平和教学质量。  相似文献   
Sociology of gender has developed beyond a personality-centered idea of “sex-roles” to an approach that stresses interaction and social structure. At the same time, there has been a concurrent development in the psychological sex-differences and medical literatures toward including the biological bases of sex-typed behavior and gender identities. In this paper, while we conceptualize gender as a social structure, we focus only on the individual level of analysis: testing the relative strength of (maternal circulating) prenatal hormones, childhood socialization, and the power of expectations attached to adult social roles (cultural interactionist) as explanations for women’s self-reported feminine and masculine selves. Our findings are complex, and support some importance of each theory. Prenatal hormones, childhood socialization, and cultural interactionism were all influential factors for gendered selves. While cultural expectations predicted only feminine selves, prenatal hormones were more robust predictors of masculine sense of self. While personality may be a relatively stable characteristic influenced by the body and childhood socialization, our results reinforce the importance of studying how the social world responds to and reinforces gendered personality.  相似文献   
为满足以新技术、新业态、新产业、新模式为主要特点的新经济发展需求,开展多学科交叉的创新型人才培养势在必行。基于新工科建设理念和BIM技术发展,对国内外BIM技术和BIM专业人才培养现状进行了对比分析,总结出我国高校BIM人才培养中存在的系列问题,并对高校土建类多学科协同BIM人才培养与实践进行探讨,通过分析BIM教学课程体系、师资力量、应用环境、实践教学等方面存在的问题,提出调整BIM人才培养方向,完善BIM人才培养方案,搭建产学研一体化BIM平台,优化人才引进和培养机制,提高师资力量,增加专业资源投入,优化BIM应用环境,建立人才培养综合能力评价考核体系,推动教学方法创新,深化校企合作等建议,为新形势下高校培养新型BIM应用人才提供思路。  相似文献   
为提高土木工程专业《结构实验与方法》研究生课程的教学质量,培养研究生的应用与创新研究能力,基于《结构实验与方法》研究生课程的具体教学实践,分析了建设《结构实验与方法》研究生课程教学案例库的必要性,探讨了《结构实验与方法》研究生课程教学案例库建设的程序与目标,提出了建设《结构实验与方法》研究生课程教学案例库的基本方法。  相似文献   
MOOC背景下,高校思想政治理论课教师信息素养亟待提升,存在信息意识淡漠、信息知识缺乏系统性和创新性、信息能力欠缺等诸多问题。高校应创设条件,使思政课教师树牢信息意识,提高教师学习教育信息技术的积极性、主动性;丰富思政课教师的信息知识,健全教师参与教育信息技术培训的体制机制;营造健康和谐的信息环境,切实保障教师获取信息的畅通途径,不断适应新形势的要求,增强思想政治理论课的实效性。  相似文献   
The transition from youth to adulthood in western societies has become more prolonged and complex as traditional societal norms have lost influence. Using retrospective data from a cohort of 43-year-old Canadians surveyed in 2010 (n?=?405), we mapped the timing, sequencing, and duration of ‘first stage’ youth-adult transitions (leaving home, finishing formal education, obtaining a full-time job) and ‘second stage’ youth-adult transitions (marriage, parenthood, home ownership). Latent profile analysis identified five distinct transition profiles – norm-setters, quick adults, uncertain adults, adult students, and delayed adults – with different amounts and timing of post-secondary educational investment playing an important profile-shaping role. Although youth-adult transitions have become less standardized and more individualized, especially for first stage transitions, these transitions are still quite structured and continue to be affected by gender and family socioeconomic status.  相似文献   
习近平总书记在2019年3月18日主持召开全国学校思想政治理论座谈会并发表重要讲话,即“3·18”讲话。在“3·18”讲 话中,习近平总书记不仅强调了新时代我们“为什么”要办好思想政治理论课,而且明确回答了新时代我们要办“什么样”的思 想政治理论课和“如何办好”思想政治理论课等一系列重大问题。实践表明, “3·18”讲话是党中央新时代办好思想政治理论课 的重要遵循。在该讲话发表一周年之际,重温这一讲话具有重要理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
卫星导航定位是测绘工程中发展较快、应用较广的一项热门技术,“GPS测量与数据处理”课程也一直是测绘专业本科教学的主干课程,具有更新快、理论深、实践性强等特点,对教师授课及学生学习都具有较高的要求。文章对东华理工大学测绘工程专业GPS课程的授课内容、授课方式、实践教学及考核模式等方面存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的教学改革建议。  相似文献   
摘 要:借鉴深度阅读理念,以故事剧《今天运气怎么这么好》为例,将实施深度阅读的“三个流程、三个关键词、两种能力”融合于故事剧课程活动的建构,改变传统故事学习、故事表演中重形式轻实质、重表面轻内在的弊端。整个过程凸显幼儿与故事、与环境、与成人的充分互动,重视教师的支持作用,让教师成为指导幼儿深度阅读活动的关键因素,陪伴幼儿深度卷入阅读世界,共同留下精彩足迹。  相似文献   
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